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Your Parenting Hack to Conquer Mealtime

Provide your family with meals that are


The Average Trojan Nosh Meal takes only 15 minutes to make, with only about 3-4 minutes of actual work – and barely any clean up.


The Average Trojan Nosh Meal for a family of four contains over 300 grams of vegetables. But we’ve hidden them so well that no one will ever know


The Average Trojan Nosh Meal costs less than $7 per serving. And every $100 spent gives you $10 off future orders.

“There’s a new magician in the kitchen”

“Insert Another Quote Here”

“Insert a much much much much much much longer quote here”

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Commonly Asked Questions

How does Trojan Nosh work?

Trojan Meals is a subscription-based service. Simply sign up, choose your family size, and select the number of meals per month. Each month, we send you a thoughtfully curated selection based on your preferences.

Trojan Meals is a subscription-based service. Simply sign up, choose your family size, and select the number of meals per month. Each month, we send you a thoughtfully curated selection based on your preferences.

Trojan Meals is a subscription-based service. Simply sign up, choose your family size, and select the number of meals per month. Each month, we send you a thoughtfully curated selection based on your preferences.

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